Kong Off 2 Player Profile: Billy Mitchell

Surprisingly few (at least within the community) are picking Mitchell as their horse to win this year's competition.

It's as if his (admittedly tepid) performance at the first Kong Off led pundits to quickly write him off as a non-entity.

Let's not forget that Mitchell is one among a minority in the lineup known to be capable of a score exceeding 1.1 million, and that he has played multiple record-breaking games that easily could have: on tape once, in public—and on demand—twice... and all three of which he willingly dropped prematurely just to keep the world record chase alive.

Mitchell's disappointing performance at the first Kong Off was, by all accounts, simply a matter of the man being covered with rust. According to Mitchell, he had not played Donkey Kong in half a year.

But if, this time around, he managed to find the time, energy, and desire to actually get in shape for the tournament, he could put on quite a show.

Next: Steve Wiebe »


  1. I have a secret crush on Billy and I want him to win.

  2. He better watch out for Wiltshire!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. billy is a raging homosexual and i want him to suck my big black dick


  6. Billy Mitchell is a coward more than a winner. I believe he has been at some point of his life a great gamer but being the best is not only a matter of winning but also of who you are and how you handle competition. You have all seen in the King of Kong how this "champion" avoids Steve Wiebe and a direct head to head competition. Why you ask? Fear! Fear of losing what he built his entire life on --> Appearance.
    Steve Wiebe is and always will be a great champion and a fighter. Period.

  7. You sir Billy Mitchell are a cunt. You are way too over confident. That is precisely why your record is no longer important. I think that you should stick to your day job.

  8. I couldnt appreciate the type of person Billy was portrayed as in the Kong movie,but nonetheless he is/was an excellent classic arcade game player;shitty attitude and over inflated ego aside lol

  9. From High School to the kitchen of a crappy family restaurant,... Billy Mitchell is just full of air

  10. I wouldn't believe his personal best score of 1,120,000 unless I saw it. Pretty suspicious to me.

  11. I wonder if Billy gets this kind of hate in real life. Probably not. Most of you kissless virgins are too introverted and shy to talk shit to anyone's face.

  12. I want to slide into a bath full of hot sauce with Billy Mitchell, brush his beard and feed him grapes. I know my friend John does too!

  13. lol after watching the documentary i think Billy Mitchell needs to get a life and stop being a joke

  14. billy from every one in australia from the bottom of our hearts your a true ....cockhead and a selfish peice of shit who thinks he is the greatest man on earth but really your just a little man,so your wife told me when i was ploughing her while you were brushing your mullet you 1970 wanker

  15. Billy Mitchell, you are no champion, nor are you a gentleman, nor much of a man come to think of it. Your behaviour on 'King of Kong' was deplorable you worthless slimebag. Your hareem of sycophants that continuously kiss your ass make me physically sick too.

    Steve Wiebe thankfully has finally been recognised as the true champion of Donkey Kong.
