Steve Wiebe World Record Attempt This Weekend in Bloomington, MN

July 9th, 2015 - This weekend, as part of his promotional efforts for the upcoming film Pixels (where he will cameo in a small role), Steve Wiebe will appear at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.

On Friday, Wiebe will attend a screening of The King of Kong (directed by his friend and Pixels producer Seth Gordon), followed by a Q&A and autograph session.

On Saturday at 2 PM, attempts on Robbie Lakeman's recently-upgraded world record will commence live from "the Rotunda."

Dana Wessel of KTWN-FM (Go 96.3) interviewed Wiebe about the upcoming event. It's well worth the 13-minute listen, encapsulating where Wiebe stands among the competitive fray nowadays, and Wiebe's assessment of his chances against the score he'll be chasing on Saturday.

My take: it's great to see Wiebe back in the action. But since we have not been privy to his Donkey Kong play since the Kong Off 3 over a year and a half ago, it's impossible to say whether Wiebe actually has a realistic shot at the record (to say nothing of the challenges of executing a high-pace run in front of a crowd). It should be borne in mind that this event is, after all, timed around a movie release date, and not necessarily Wiebe having attained the ability to play at a 1.16 million-point pace.

Nonetheless, most of us DKheads love Steve and wish him the very best of luck. We hope, if nothing else, that he regains a spot among the all time top 10. Over the last 5 years, Wiebe has fallen all the way from 1st to 15th position, and as the "face" of our game, we'd all like to see him right back in the thick of things at the highest level of play. We know that he can, the question is whether he will.

Twin Galaxies will be streaming the attempt live this Saturday at

The Pixels film—in which a group of classic arcade gamers from the "golden age" reunite to fend off an alien invasion—opens July 24th, one week before The Kong Off 4.